Just start a blog

So. Here I am, starting a blog. I think I’m going to use this as a personal journal in a way, but to also keep up with tasks and projects that I’m working on. First off, I’m unsure how the text wrapping will be. I’m also unsure of how formatting works. As time goes on I think I’ll hone this skill. I’ve not worked on a platform like Ruby and Jekyll before, so it was a hell of an experience getting the site up initially. I did learn three big things, though:

  1. How to use github
  2. How to use and install Ruby
  3. How to use Jekyll

There will be more to come. I think I’ll hurry and try to make a post on my T-Pot honeypot I made in Azure. It was a little bit of a tough experience getting it up and running, but once I did it was worth it. Talk to you again soon!
